How to Become a Process Server in Maryland

< 1 Min. Read / Updated on March 3rd, 2021

If you live in Maryland you’re in luck, because there’s no licensing or registration requirement to become a process server in Maryland.

Any private person at least 18 years of age who is not a party to the case may serve civil process in Maryland, work as a process server, or start a process server business.

Rule 2-123. Process-By whom served


Service of process may be made by a sheriff or, except as otherwise provided in this Rule, by a competent private person, 18 years of age or older, including an attorney of record, but not by a party to the action.


All process requiring execution other than delivery, mailing, or publication shall be executed by the sheriff of the county where execution takes place, unless the court orders otherwise.

For more information, visit the Maryland Courts website, and the Mid Atlantic Association of Professional Process Servers.

Free Maryland Legal Forms for Process Servers

Download free Maryland legal forms from the Maryland Courts.

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